Building the design operations for designers and researchers on the Product Experience Design team.

As Mastercard’s design maturity grew, so did my team’s operational needs working with each other and our partners.






Design operations

Team surveys

Team interviews





Microsoft Teams

My role

Lead strategist


Aug 2022 - Aug 2023

I was asked to initiate the ground-breaking design operations plan for our team of 18 designers and researchers.

As the lead strategist, I had three main goals:

  1. grow team synergy and capabilities

  2. improve relationships and processes working with external teams

  3. enhance the quality and impact of design outputs


What is DesignOps?

Design operations is the orchestration and optimization of people, process, and craft in order to amplify design’s value and impact at scale.

DesignOps aims to establish processes and measures that support scalable solutions for common design-team challenges.


Initial research

DesignOps planning was inspired by Nielsen Norman Group’s “3 Steps for Getting Started with DesignOps”

  • Tried and true framework from industry experts

  • Menu categories helped organize topics under DesignOps umbrella


Our roadmap

My proposed strategy was categorized into three primary phases over the course of our first year with regular check-ins with the team to report on how things were going.

Discovery surveys

Gather data for bench-marking

Discovery surveys using Qualtrics were sent out to all of the designers and researchers on the team. The surveys were helpful to:

  • evaluate how our team felt about a broad variety of topics, such as:

    • our onboarding process

    • career development

    • guiding principles

    • our design process

    • working with partner teams

    • design systems

    • research practices

    • workload and bandwidth

    • design metrics and value

    • skills training and education

    • etc.

  • establish bench-marking data from likert-scale questions to compare year-to-year

  • know which areas to probe further during the next phase of the roadmap: the 1-on-1 interviews


Deep-diving operations

1-on-1 interviews were set up with each member of the PXD team. These were extensive and averaged 90 minutes.

  • Participants were kept anonymous to encourage honesty and due to the sensitivity of topics discussed

  • Sessions were recorded, transcribed, and deleted after analysis

  • Each question topic was analyzed separately and responses were organized based on response type (positive, neutral, or negative)

  • Key take-aways were summarized for each topics

  • Results were communicated to leadership, the team, and DesignOps partners across the org to collaborate on strategic opportunities

Initiative planning

Areas of focus were identified

The interview results led to a clearer understanding of opportunity areas for our immediate DesignOps initiatives. These areas were then collectively assigned to various team members to own depending on their skill-set, bandwidth, or interest. Some areas we identified were:

  • goals for new hires could be confusing depending on the product team

  • there is opportunity to better educate teams on the role of UX

  • PXD isn’t often included in the feature planning and prioritization process

  • metrics and measuring quality are areas to work on

  • designers are more satisfied with their tools than researchers

  • content design was the skill set we thought was missing from our team

  • communication skills are most desired to learn


Next steps

DesignOps efforts are an ongoing journey. Some next steps from here included:

  • chipping away at each initiative and meeting regularly to check-in with progress

  • selecting operational areas to bench-mark for the next round of team surveys for the year

  • continue collaboration with other design teams throughout the org to stay aligned with a broader DesignOps strategy